Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Episode 269: Why Would Jesus Come Against Church Leaders?
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
This is part 2 of Episode 267: Do You Want To Be Healed?
If you didn't get a chance to listen to that, you may want to do that before hearing this one! The teaching is from John 5- the man at the Pool of Bethesda.
Someone filled with the Holy Spirit will stand against the religious spirit even when its in church leadership.
We must be filled with God’s Spirit and and only do what He leads us to do.
Look to Jesus as an example of how we should live and what we should believe.
He only did what he saw the Father doing.
Go after the King and the Kingdom of God and get Vision for doing the greater works. It’s time to glorify God.
We are the ones to cast out demons and heal the sick. We are the ones to be anointed by spending time with God.
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Episode 269: When God Gives You A Dream Write It Down
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
The Lord can use dreams and visions to show us something that we might not otherwise see. It is one of the ways God speaks, and we need to write them down and pray about what He is saying. Cyndi tells of a recent dream and how the Lord spoke to her through it.
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Episode 268: Accusations In The Church [Biblical Ways To Prevent Them]
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
What should Church leaders do if accusations come up against an elder in the Body of Christ? What does God say about it ? Could this be prevented if you do things God's way.? Lead people to the Headship of Christ not to man. Stop the accuser of the brethren. Trust the Holy Spirit to convict people that need to repent. Don't receive an accusation against an elder unless there are witnesses.
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Episode 267: Do You Want To Be Healed? (Apostolic Teaching)
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
What does For want His Church to look like?
John 5
Jesus at the Pool of Bethesda .You have to have an expectation and a desire to be healed or get your promise.
Do you really want to be made whole? Are you serious about it?
Sometimes we are too casual about what Jesus paid for us to receive.
We need to have the power of God flowing through us to heal.
We need to spend more time with God.
God wants an apostolic people filled with the Spirit of God.
He wants you to have the power of God and pray for the sick and see your family made whole.
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Episode 266: Practical Ways To Draw Near To God
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Do you want to get closer to the Lord and you're not sure how? There is an anointing on this message to stir hunger for more of the Lord and give you practical ways to draw near to Him in your every day life.
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Episode 265: Restoring The Evangelist And The Apostolic Church -Part 2
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
What is Covering Doctrine? If you missed the last episode, you'll want to go back and listen to part one of this message. God is restoring the five-fold ministry, bringing the Church out of the dark ages (where covering began) and back into the freedom of the ministry of the Holy Spirit that Jesus established in the early Church. This message focuses on the woman at the well as the first evangelist in the Book of John.
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Episode 264: Restoring The Evangelist And The Apostolic Church -Part 1
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
You will enjoy this teaching from John 4 about the woman at the well and the restoration of the Apostolic Church. There is a move of God in our day to restore the entire five-fold ministry to equip the Saints. Are you an evangelist? This teaching will stir you to seek the Lord about your calling and make it sure. Stay tuned next week for Part 2 of this message.
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Episode 263: Extreme Healing Of Your Emotions
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
When you are ready to be healed and not just medicated, listen to this! At the end of this session, participate in the extreme emotional healing exercise. Jesus supernaturally heals the wounded places in your soul. What happens when you shove your anger down. What could cause bi-polar ( double mindedness)? The devil wants to hurt your emotions and release generational curses. Demons can hide in emotional wounds. Are you very happy or very depressed with no in between?
Overspending could indicate an emotional issue that opens the door to spiritual bondage. Freedom from debt. How to handle anger in a healthy way. Freedom from delusion. The desperate need for REVELATION!
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Episode 262: Authority Connection To Healing
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Teaching from Matthew 8 and powerful prayer for your healing and the healing of your loved ones.
We see with the centurion in Matthew 8 that his understanding and respect for authority is demonstrated in his faith for Jesus to heal HIs servant. He recognized the authority in Jesus and trusted that authority. He believed that Jesus only had to speak the word of healing and it would be done.
Prayer for those who’ve been wounded by authority and have a hard time trusting God.
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Episode 262: Remain Passionate For God With Holy Fear
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
The only fear we should have is the true fear of the Lord. As your relationship with Jesus deepens, the fear of the Lord will grow and the worldly fears should be destroyed. The key is getting to know Jesus more and more through the Word by His Spirit. God wants a conversation with you. What matters to you matters to Him.